There’s been a ton of controversy over Lauren Daigle lately and where she stands. I thought I would put my two cents out there.

Let me preface this by saying that there’s nothing in this world that makes it right to straight up deny Jesus. You deny Him, He denies you, period.

When we look at just Lauren, I see someone who has put herself in a spot by going on Ellen’s show and Jimmy Fallon. Then she gets hammered by people in the radio stations etc.. Trying to call her out on the “hot topic” of today being the whole LGBTQ stuff. If any of us were sitting in that seat, would we have an absolute straight forward answer? Be honest..think about that. Would you go out in front of millions of people and just be like “homosexuality is wrong”. Especially if you were just caught off guard in an interview? We don’t always have to be politically correct (I try to shy away from it) but we have to be spiritually correct and talk in love and explain what we believe and why we believe it.

Second, on the whole “Christian Artist” thing.. Do you go around telling everyone that you’re a “Christian ________” (fill in the blank for whatever you do to pay your bills)? I know I don’t. If someone asks me straight up if I’m a Christian, you’re darn right I’m going to step up and say yes. Also, there are a lot of younger generation that are sick of the stigma that comes along with the label of being a Christian. There’s a lot of people out there using Christ’s name as a soap box to spit pure hate toward people. That’s NOT what we are called to do.. so do I blame her for not wanting to be under the same “umbrella” as all of those people, nope.

Third.. it’s not about a record label.. if you look, Lauren is still under a Christian label along with a bunch of other Christian artists. So she’s not selling out to get more money from a secular label.

Fourth, on the whole going on tv shows. Who as an artist wouldn’t want to do that? Christian or not, getting in front of an audience that large is pretty awesome. Plus if you can show the “secular” world that you are willing to hang out with them even though you’re a Christian..isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? Wasn’t there someone in the Bible who hung out with the “unwanted crowd”? Was she behind the stage telling Ellen that she was wrong and that homosexuality was wrong…probably not. Was she being loving and caring and showing that not all Christians are out to murder the LGBTQ community, I’m guessing (and hoping) so.

I’m sure there will be people that think that I’m totally wrong about this, and that’s cool. I’ve had people not like me before.. but the beauty is that you have a right just as I to put your opinion out there. Just please keep in mind that we are called to love people, and of course go out and make disciples that are like Christ.

Till next time..

Photo: Jeremy Cowart
**I do not own the rights to the image on this post.. please don’t sue or fine me for using it**